Mable's Touch offers an alternative, more natural approach to your dog's wellness. Just like us, canine massage can give your dog the opportunity to nurture their mind, body and soul.
Our goal is to attend to your dog's wellness needs in a personal and attentive way.
Allow them to take a deep breath and enjoy—their journey to become more relaxed and rejuvenated.
Meet Lauren
Hello, I’m Lauren, owner of Mable's Touch. That cute pitty next to me is Mable. She's the inspiration behind Mable's Touch.
I am a certified canine massage practitioner through the Pet Massage Training and Research Institute, located in Toledo, Ohio.
As a certified canine practitioner, my goal is to enhance your dog's body, mind and overall wellness with an all-natural holistic approach.
Benefits of Canine Massage
Enhances quality of life
Strengthens the body by stimulating muscles
Increases muscle tone and use
Comforts tired muscles and can induce relief from pain
Increases/balances circulation of blood, lymph, CSF (cerebral-spinal fluid), oxygen and awareness
Helps maintain and restore flexibility, range of motion and range of emotion
Helps develop trust and a chance for bonding
Increases the dog sense of self, body awareness
Supports overall health and wellness